Sweet Strawberry Quilt Along: Prep Weeks

We’re two weeks away from starting our next quilt along with Sweet Strawberry! (You can find the quilt along schedule for the year by clicking here). You will need a copy of our Piece & Love book to follow along with this particular quilt along. We’re excited to make a quick little wall hanging to say farewell to summer.
We wanted to give you a couple of weeks before each quilt along to source fabrics and get everything ready to go. We encourage you to visit your local quilt shop if you need to grab any extra fabric, but this will also give to time to order online if you prefer that route. Since you only need small pieces of fabric for this one, you may even be able to shop your scraps, which is what we did. Here’s what we’re using:

We love using a mix of solids and prints for this quilt, and a color range from red to pink for added interest. You could also stick with all reds or all pinks if you can find enough different shades. We’re using our favorite blue shade of cross weave for the background. (Unfortunately, it seems that this color has been discontinued.)

Be sure to grab a copy of Piece & Love so you can quilt along with us! There are still a couple more quilts we will be making from the book this year after this quilt along, Sprinkles and Nordic Frost. The quilt along will run for four weeks, beginning September 5th. You can post your progress on Instagram or in our private Facebook group. You can also ask for help or advice in the Facebook group.

If you want these quilt along updates in your inbox, just sign up for our quilt along newsletter here!
Any questions? Just leave us a comment below. We can’t wait to get started. See you September 5th!