Piece & Love Quilt Along Coming Soon!

Hello, 2020! We just wanted to take a quick minute to let you know that our next quilt along is starting next Monday, January 6th. We will be making our Piece & Love quilt, with the finish just in time for Valentine’s Day! The first week will be choosing fabrics, so you’ll have plenty of time to join the fun.

How to join:
-First, you’ll need a copy of our Piece & Love pattern:
-Next, you’ll want to sign up for our quilt along newsletter to get all of the weekly updates: Quilt Along with The Cloth Parcel Newsletter
-Join our Facebook group to post your progress: Quilting with The Cloth Parcel
–Follow us on Instagram, and post your progress there with hashtag #pieceandlovequiltalong

We sure hope you’ll join us! The more, the merrier, so grab your friends and we’ll have a great time. See you Monday!