Make This: Pacifier Clip Tutorial
Today we are going to show you a quick and easy tutorial for a baby’s pacifier clip. With a binky clip, baby’s paci never has to touch the floor in public again! We love these for when we’re out and about, at church, or at family get-togethers. All you need are a few supplies and a few moments to yourself.
Here’s what you will need:
- 11″ of Grosgrain ribbon; we used our Sweetest Thing Designer Ribbon
- Matching thread
- One suspender clip
- One snap set (four separate pieces)
Some of these supplies can be hard to find, but check the notions section of your local sewing supply store and you should be able to find something close.
1. After you have cut your ribbon to 11″, singe the ends with a flame or apply fray check to keep ribbon from fraying.
2. Fold one end of the ribbon over the suspender clip and sew in place. This is the side that attaches to baby’s shirt. Suspender clips work wonderfully and don’t leave holes in clothing. Back stitch a lot and get as close to the clip as possible.
3. Now go to the other end of the ribbon to attach the snaps. This is the end of the clip that you snap around the pacifier ring. Place the top parts of the snaps with the pointy teeth on the top of the ribbon, one 1/2″ from the end, and the other 2″ past that (2 1/2″ from the end). Push the pointy teeth through the ribbon to temporarily hold them in place.
4. Flip the ribbon over and place the other parts of the snaps on the pointy teeth. Make sure you double check the manufacturer’s instructions for proper hardware placement.
5. Finish installing the snaps using whichever method works best with the snaps you have. I did the hammer and spool of thread method. Once the snaps are installed, that’s it! Give yourself a big old pat on the back and then go make five more to match every outfit.
Safety info: I wouldn’t recommend letting baby sleep with this on or play unsupervised with it. Also, never make a pacifier clip that is long enough to go all the way around baby’s neck.
Pacifier clips make great baby shower gifts, along with a minky baby blanket or chenille burp cloth. Check out our original Cloth Parcel patterns for more gift ideas. The pink fabric in the background is The Sweetest Thing by Riley Blake.
Audrey & Diane