Nesting Peaks Quilt

Our Nesting Peaks Quilt is one of the projects featured in Annie’s Springtime Sewing book (affiliate link). We’ve been waiting months to share this with you! This quilt pattern is based on a baby quilt we made a few years ago:
This time around, we actually wrote the pattern instead of winging it! The latest version of Nesting Peaks uses Figs & Shirting fabric by Fig Tree & Co. for Moda Fabrics. (affiliate link)

We think it turned out super scrappy and cute! Plus, there are tons more quilting and sewing patterns also included in the book:

This quilt is fast to make, fat quarter friendly, and works well with a wide variety of fabrics. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do! We’re excited to share some more of these secret sewing projects with you that we’ve been working on for the last little while. (If you’re wondering why we’ve been so quiet, this is it!)

I didn’t see the pattern listed as an item in Annies Springtime Book but I’m sure it’s there since you said it was. What is the blue/green fabric line you used in the Nesting Peaks quilt you are holding.
Your quilt is beautiul.
If you look at the photo on the Annie’s website of the Table of Contents for the book, it’s on page 46. (In the magazine version, it’s page 78.). All of the printed fabric in the quilt is from the Figs & Shirtings line we have linked in the post!