Inspiration: Diane’s Roseville Album, Vol. 2

The center of the quilt is made up of of nine blocks, mostly vases of flowers, as shown in this center block with stems, leaves and flowers spilling out over the ornate container. We are working on the next to last center block, so there will be more of these to show very soon.
These are two of the corner blocks, which are more circular in shape and have some exotic birds and leaves. The whole quilt uses yards of bias stems, so we made this all at one time, rolled it on an empty spool, and cut it as needed. The bright fabrics are all corralled into a basket, too, so the quilt will have a harmony of prints and colors when it is finished.
We will be starting on the four large borders soon and then there is one small border of stems and leaves to finish. All of the background fabric was cut at the beginning, but we mark the design a block at a time since that is a bit time consuming.
Check out our blog for our favorite hand applique tutorial and maybe you will be inspired to try some. It is the perfect on-the-go project or a great excuse to put your feet up at the end of the day!
Beautiful work, I love the designs andthe bright colors on contrast with the dark background creates a stunning cheerful effect!
Thank you! We can’t wait for the whole thing to be finished.