Diane’s Roseville Album Quilt
We are bubbling over with excitement (and relief) to show Diane’s Roseville Album applique quilt! It’s finished- yay!

This project was started so many years ago that we can’t even remember the actual year. Possibly even before we started our business in 2012. We did show pictures of it in progress in previous posts, so it may look a bit familiar.

We fell in love with the applique quilt designs of Kim McLean, and this is her Roseville Album Quilt Pattern. The original was done in bright colors on a light background and is stunning. We wanted to do something a little different, so we did the bright colors on a dark background. We did use a lot of Kaffe Fassett brights (linked below) as well as many others thrown in.
(Amazon affiliate links)
We also changed the border from a wavy stem with leaves to the pieced border you see with little posy medallions at the centers and the corners.
It is mostly machine quilted in navy thread (linked above) in a very simple outline to show off the applique design, but there is a little bit of hand quilting with heavier contrasting thread.

It is backed with an Anna Maria Horner Luminous fabric in blue and green.
The whole design was traced on the back of the fabric and then each piece was basted in place from the back. Then it was needle-turn appliqued to the front of the fabric. This is a great method for more complicated and multi layered designs. We even made a tutorial for this: Back Basted Applique Tutorial.
It’s also nice to have a portable project, since the design is broken into blocks and borders. It’s a good project for travel– back in the olden days when we did travel.

We usually do most of our work by machine, with a little hand work thrown in, but this was a good experience and we are glad we stuck with it to the end. Needle-turn applique takes some practice and patience, but then it becomes pretty fun.

We couldn’t be happier with the result. Sometimes it’s fun to step out of the box and try something different.

Can you imagine seeing this first thing in the morning? My jaw is still dropped. This brings me SO MUCH JOY. Gorgeous and inspirational to continue all those WIPs! How simply beautiful and reminds me why we quilt.