Dazzling New York Beauty Blog Hop + Giveaway!

We’re thrilled to be included in the blog hop to show you a brand new book by our friend Cinzia White, called Dazzling New York Beauty Sampler. There are 54 different blocks in this stunning quilt, which is absolutely a masterpiece!

Isn’t it simply amazing? For our stop on the tour, we chose to make the Crocodile Block from the book. It was easier to keep everything lined up with the paper piecing templates, but it is definitely still a challenging method.

Look at those perfect points! There’s nothing like paper piecing to give you that accuracy. Cinzia also has lots of great tips in the book for making everything come together perfectly. I learned some new techniques!

I’m thinking of making three more blocks to make a 20″ medallion for a quilted pillow cover. Wouldn’t that be great?
You can get the Dazzling New York Beauty Quilt Sampler book from C&T Publishing or from our Amazon affiliate link below:

Be sure to check out all the other stops on the blog tour:
• Monday 18th Jen Frost from https://faithandfabricdesign.com/2021/01/dazzling-nyb-sampler-quilt.html
• Tuesday 19th Bea Lee from https://www.beaquilter.com/
• Wednesday 20th Lissa LaGreca from http://lovinglylissa.com/
• Thursday 21st Laura Strickland from https://orangeblossomquilt.com/blog
• Friday 22nd Susan Smith from https://www.stitchedbysusan.com/stitchedbysusan.html
• Saturday 23rd Tammy Silvers from https://tamarinis.typepad.com
• Sunday 24th Laura Piland from http://www.sliceofpiquilts.com
• Monday 25th Audrey from http://www.theclothparcel.com/blog/ (you’re here!)
• Tuesday 26th Cinzia from https://www.facebook.com/groups/NYBSampler/
GIVEAWAY IS NOW CLOSED: Our winner is #15, Kathryn. Congratulations!
Cinzia has generously offered to give away an eBook copy of her Dazzling New York Beauty Quilt Sampler book to one of our readers!
All you need to do to enter is leave a comment below telling us your favorite part about quilting. Our winner will be chosen and announced here on Friday, January 29th.
We hope you feel inspired by our Crocodile Block to try something new and challenge yourself! Thanks for reading, and may your bobbin always be full.

I really love your block and the colours you have used. Best part about quilting is putting the binding on.
My favorite part of quilting is from simple yardage beauty happens. The color play and designs make me fall in love with each block.
My favorite part of quilting is selecting fabrics that work together and buying them!! Your block is stunning.
I love the piecing.
I love the whole process of quilting. My most favorite is the piecing. Love your block.
Choosing fabric is my favorite part of quilting. Mixing and matching for the perfect combo!
Great block! I love finally getting a project finished! 🤣
I love quilting! Want to make this New York Beauty. My favorite part of quilting is pulling my fabrics and combining my colors. I can spend hours on my colors.
My favorite part about quilting is the whole process – picking pattern and fabrics, cutting and piecing, quilting and binding and then gifting or for me !!!! Your block is wonderful and a pillow would be very nice with 4 blocks. Thanks for the opportunity to win this book.
I love pulling and sampling colors and fabrics!
I love the cutting and piecing part the best.
Love your block and colors. This block/quilt has been on my bucket list a long time. Best part of quilting Is watching it all come together and become a beautiful pice if work!! I love picking fabrics and piecing it back together
I love quilting as a creative outlet. It helps me feel balanced.
My favorite part of quilting is being able to express my creativity in a usable art form
Just love love this quilt – My favourite part of quilting is that magic moment when you iron your block and the seems match perfectly
Congratulations, Kathryn. You’re our winner!
So many blocks to choose from. I love to piecing and then quilting. Thanks for sharing.
Sewing and pressing are very relaxing to me.
What a pretty block.
How bright and modern, how good would a whole quilt look in these stunning colours . Hand quilted with bold bright perle threads – ahhh, my mind is racing with ideas now after seeing this.
I love piecing the blocks. Thanks
What a gorgeous block! My favorite part about quilting is picking the fabrics and colors to work with for each project.
I love looking at the finished product and remembering that it all started with fabric and a pattern. By the way, the reasoning behind this is that my original inception is not always the same as the result.
When I made these blocks I loved doing them Quilt as you Go so I could do intense detailed quilting on each one.
The best part of quilting, in my opinion, is fabric selecting!! I love how the same pattern looks so different depending on fabric choices. Definitely my favorite part!
My favorite part about quilting is getting my seams to match up! Making sure points aren’t chopped off and everything looks as best as I can make it!!
I love all the pretty fabric! 😍
I love it all, but piecing is my favorite part. I would so love to make the quilt on the cover. It’s beautiful!!
My favourite part about quilting is how endlessly patterns can be reinvented. I love how fabrics the complete look of a pattern.
So I don’t really quilt, but I think this would be fabulous on the bodice of a girls dress!
Sewing up 4 blocks to make a medallion for a pillow sounds perfect! What an awesome pillow it will be….an eye-catcher for sure!
My favorite part of quilting is the actual stitching and piecing. I get great satisfaction seeing the pieces come together and completing the vision from my head.
duchick at gmail dot com
I love NY Beauty blocks! Yours is so eye-catching with your choice of fabrics. My favorite part about quilting is piecing (like most quilters) but binding is a close second!
Quilting is new to me. I find the piercing to be like a puzzle. You piece it together to make something beautiful to admire and usually gift to someone else. It’s the satisfaction of making something that can be used and not having to buy it. It’s the feeling of pride because you helped contribute to your family when you see you little ones covered up in the quilt made by my hands. The love that hopefully your mother feels when she uses her small quilt to cover up during her dialysis treatment. And At the end of a long exhausting day quilting is relaxing to sit down and stitch a little by hand.
I really love all of it except I am not good at the free motion part. My feathers are sad.
I like the choosing of the fabrics and the sewing of the pieces and watching it come together.
I love all steps of quilting, but my favorite is definitely putting the binding on. I enjoy hand sewing the back of the binding on and when it is done, the quilt is finished. Thanks!
The Crocodile block with the fabrics you chose is stunning!!! It looks to me like a ray of bright sunshine that we all need right now. My favorite part of quilting is the creativity it affords and then the excitement of seeing it all come together. There are endless possibilities of fabric choices and how you combine even the same stack to make it uniquely your own. I love the accuracy with FPP. Looking forward to seeing what everyone creates with this beautiful pattern.
My favorite part of quilting is bringing a pattern to life with fabric….
My favorite part of quilting is piecing and the satisfaction of getting a perfect quarter inch seam. Love the crocodile block
What a beautiful book! Piecing is my favorite part. I’m not as good at it as I would like, but I enjoy it.
I like buying fabric, cutting it up and then sewing it into amazing blocks!
The crocodile block was a good choice! And nice crispy piecing. Can’t wait to get started as well!
I love the fabric choices you used to piece this block – so appealing. Being a proud New Yorker, this is definitely something I need to try!
I love the piecing. Your block is very different and modern, really like it!
Love your block. My favorite part of quilting is choosing the fabric….I may need an intervention.
My very favorite part about quilting is when you first start laying out the blocks together and Bam! Suddenly all those half-square triangles or flying geese, etc make the pattern come to life!
My favorite part of making a quilt is sewing the blocks. I pull my fabrics the night before and then start sewing the following morning. I sew all day and into the night until my quilt top is finished. Non stop. My husband has to get his own meals all day and feed the cats.
I LOVE New York Beauty blocks! Your block is gorgeous! My favorite part of quilting is hand applique…there isn’t much I don’t like about quilting, but I’ve found that my interests do change as time goes on. I’ve been quilting over 40 years so I’ve tried most everything! Thanks for the giveaway!
Favorite thing of quilting is seeing how fabric goes together and then the look on the face of who gift the quilt to
I love the whole process of making a quilt, from designing or picking a pattern, to choosing and cutting fabric to free motion quilting. It is all fun for me because I get to play with colors and fabrics and thread to make something that allows me to share with others.
I love the quilting process! Once everything is put together, adding the final stitches to make the pattern pop is my jam!
My favorite part is when it’s all done. The sense of accomplishment of all your hours spent and nice quilt to show off to friends or gift to someone lucky.
I like that I can do any pattern my way in colors I like; but I love the people I have met, real and online, who inspire and encourage me all the time.
I love the planning and piecing.
It’s so hard to pick a favorite part of quilting! I love picking out the fabric, running pieces through the sewing machine, quilting the sandwich, and hand-stitching the binding. I guess I like everything except basting. Thanks for your beautiful blog post!
My favorite part of quilting is piecing it together. I love watching my blocks come alive with color! With every new block that I finish and add to my design wall it starts to form a pattern and the anticipation of finishing the quilt, keeps me sewing the next block and then the next!when it’s finished I feel very accomplished and proud of what I’ve created!
I have always wanted to make a New York Beauty quilt but I’m so afraid of Y seams that I’ve shied away from the gorgeous pattern!
My favorite part of quilting is when I pull a scrap of fabric used in a past quilt and use it on a new one! To me it symbolizes how we are connected to each other in so many ways!!
Your color choices in this block are stunning!! Love it!
My favorite part is piecing at the block level. I love to see how the pieces fit together to create something beautiful!
I have to agree with a previous quilter, sewing the binding down is the best part of a quilt as it is the very last step to being done.
The best part of quilting for me, is seeing all the blocks sewn together. What a lovely giveaway!
I love seeing how the blocks come together while piecing them. It really energizes and motivates me to continue working on a given project.
The absolute best part of quilting for me is the look on someone’s face when I give them a quilt – especially when they don’t know anything about it first. Absolute shock and joy. Every quilt I give is given with love, like all other quilters. My quilts aren’t art pieces like the one on this book (although I’d love to make one of those, too!), but they are truly enjoyed for years, from the process of making it to much later when someone pulls it off the back of their couch to cuddle up in.
I’m relatively new to quilting so I’m enjoying the choice of patterns available, the fantastic enthusiasm of the people who love this and other crafts. Choosing the materials to be used and especially thinking about who I’m making it for. Putting my heart and soul into creating the best quilt I can. I can’t wait until I feel confident enough to try designing something myself. I just love craft work and now retired I can do so much more.
I’m relatively new to quilting so I’m enjoying the choice of patterns available, the fantastic enthusiasm of the people who love this and other crafts. Choosing the materials to be used and especially thinking about who I’m making it for. Putting my heart and soul into creating the best quilt I can. I can’t wait until I feel confident enough to try designing something myself.
My favorite part of quilting is choosing the fabric.
I am a beginner quilter, so I don’t really have a favorite part of quilting. I like paper piecing and I like finishing a quilt.
Your lock is beautiful. My favorite part of quilting is putting the different colors together and seeing how beautiful they look together.
How gorgeous! I love these fabrics choices also! Favorite part of quilting, fabric shopping and supporting my favorite designers, pattern makers, and local fabric stores and online.
Your block is perfection in stitching and color placement! My favorite part of the quilting process is actually piecing the parts together to yield a block.
The best part is seeing the materials I have auditioned, some times for weeks, working well together, especially when they are unrelated prints.